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发布时间:2022年09月09日 21:48    点击率:3756


发布时间:2020年05月29日 15:00    点击率:3756


报告时间:2020-05-29 从 15:00 到 16:30



Education Experience

  • PhD (2011/10 –2015/3): Utrecht University, the Netherlands (promoter: Prof. Chris Spiers).
  • A joint PhD degree was defended in the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration (CEA, promoter: Prof. Xiaosong Yang).
  • Graduate (2006/9 – 2009/6): Institute of Geology, CEA, Beijing, China. Major in structure geology, working on rock properties under high temperatures and pressures. Average score is 82 /100.
  • Undergraduate (2002/9 – 2006/6): Faculty of Geosciences, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Major in geology, GPA is 3.72 / 4 (no.1 over 94). (Major in mathematics during the first year and then selected into the national basic class of geology.)

Working Experience

  • 2019/10 – now: Post-doctor, TU Delft, the Netherlands
  • 2018/08-2018/9: Visitor, Kyoto University, Japan
  • 2015/12 – 2019/10: Post-doc research fellow, the HPT lab of Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • 2009/07 - 2015/11: Junior Researcher in the Institute of Geology, CEA (visiting Utrecht University as a joint PhD candidate, over 2011/11 – 2012/10, 2013/11 – 2014/3, and 2015/2-2015/4)

报告题目:地震过程中断层的水会汽化吗?(Are faults inevitably steaming during earthquake?)


大地震通常以米/秒的速率产生数米-十米的位移。巨大能量的输入导致岩石产生系列物理化学现象,如熔融、分解、重结晶等。地震断层通常充满水,地震过程中,断层中的水会如何响应,又会产生什么效应? 本工作通过独特的物理实验对该过程进行了诠释。其认识对理解大地震的破裂过程,尤其是地震拓展到浅部1-2公里后的表现,有重要启示。

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