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固体地球物理学术报告通知-秦川 博士

发布时间:2019年01月08日 21:48    点击率:4178

报告地点: 教学行政楼706会议室



从 10:00 到 11:00

报告人: 秦川 博士



报告题目: Formation of Moon's fossil bulge and its implication for Earth's early conditions


First recognized by Laplace over two centuries ago, the lunar gravitational anomalies associated with tidal-rotational bulges are significantly larger than hydrostatic values. They are likely relics of a former hydrostatic state when the Moon was closer to the Earth and had larger bulges, and they were established when stresses in a thickening lunar lithosphere could maintain the bulges against hydrostatic adjustment. We formulate the first dynamically consistent model of this process and show that bulge formation is controlled by the relative timing of lithosphere thickening and lunar orbit recession. Our models indicate that lunar fossil bulge formation was a geologically slow process lasting several hundred Myr, and was complete about 4 Ga when the Earth-Moon distance was less than ~32 Earth radii. The models demonstrate that the early Earth was significantly less dissipative to lunar tides than during the last 4 Gyr, suggesting a frozen Earth’s hydrosphere due to the faint young Sun and limited greenhouse effects in the Hadean eon prior to 4 Ga.

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