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发布时间:2019年04月16日 21:48    点击率:7742


报告时间:2019-04-19 从 13:30 到 15:00



Geological Survey of Canada and University of Victoria

报告题目:Thermal processes in subduction zone geodynamics


This lecture will provide a synoptic global view of thermal processes in (1) the broader-scale subduction system and (2) along the subduction megathrust. For (1) the subduction system, I will highlight the general thermal structure featuring a cold forearc and hot arc-backarc, and I will summarize systematic differences between warm and cold slabs in terms of slab dehydration, intraslab earthquakes, arc volcanism, and hydration of the forearc mantle wedge. For (2) the megathrust, I will discuss contrasting influences of warm- vs. cold-slab subduction on the processes of megathrust earthquakes, downdip transition of fault zone rheology from frictional slip to viscous shear, and conditions for episodic slow slip around the mantle wedge corner, and I will demonstrate how constraining frictional heating along the fault helps us understand the strength of the megathrust and its slip behaviour.

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