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  • Hao, Shangqin; Yang, Dapeng; Wang, Wenzhong; Zou, Fan; Wu, Zhongqing. Thermoelasticity of phase D and implications for low-velocity anomalies and local discontinuities at the uppermost lower mantle, American Mineralogist, 109 (7): 1361-1368..

  • Deng, Xin; Chen,Yi-Xiang; Wang, Wenzhong; Li, Yonghui; Xiao, Zicong; Wu, Zhongqing. Heavy magnesium isotopic signatures in arc lavas may be attributed to dehydration of subducting hydrated mantle, Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 299.

  • Zhao, Yajie; Deng, Xin; Chen, Ling; Wu, Zhongqing. Is There a Carbonated Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuity in Cratons?, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (6).

  • Yang, Ziqiang; Song, Zijun; Wu, Zhongqing; Mao, Ho-kwang; Zhang, Li. Iron silicate perovskite and postperovskite in the deep lower mantle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (17).

  • 周桂理#, 罗松*, 姚华建. 2024. 基于改进的多分量频率-贝塞尔变换法研究郯庐断裂带潍坊段上地壳径向各向异性结构. 地球物理学报, 67(3): 1037-1052

  • Li, Y., X. Wu*, Z. Zhu, J. Ding, and Q. Wang, 2024, FaultSeg3D plus: a comprehensive study on evaluating and improving CNN-based seismic fault segmentation, Geophysics, in press.

  • Si, X., X. Wu*, Z. Li*, S. Wang, and J. Zhu, 2024, An all-in-one seismic phase picking, location, and association network for multi-task multi-station earthquake monitoring, Communications Earth & Environment, Vol. 5(22).

  • Si, X., X. Wu*, H. Sheng, J. Zhu, and Z. Li, 2024, SeisCLIP: A seismology foundation model pre-trained by multi-modal data for multi-purpose seismic feature extraction, IEEE TGRS, Vol. 62, pp. 1-13, Art no. 5903713, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3354456,

  • Jiang, L., X. Si, and X. Wu*, 2024, Filling borehole image gaps with partial convolution neural network. Geophysics, Vol. 89(2), D289–D98.

  • Wang, F.+, X. Wu*, H. Zeng, X. Janson, and C. Kerans, 2024, Stratal surfaces honoring seismic structures and interpreted geologic time surfaces. Geophysics, Vol. 89(2), N45–N57.

  • Hou*, Z., Liu*, L., Zhang*, H., Xu, B., Wang, Q., Yang, T., ... & Lü, Q. (2024). Cenozoic eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau controlled by tearing of the Indian slab. Nature Geoscience, 17, 255-263.

  • Anyiam, UO, J. Qian*, Y. Tan*, H. Zhang* (2024), Comprehensive seismic evidence for the inducing mechanism of extremely shallow 2019 Changning Ms 6.0 earthquake by solution salt mining, Sichuan Basin, China, Geology, doi: 10.1130/G51699.1

  • Yang, S., Zhang*, H., Wang, M., Gao, J., Wang, S., Liu, B., & Xu, X. (2024). Earthquake monitoring and high-resolution velocity tomography for the central Longmenshan fault zone by a temporary dense seismic array. Earth and Planetary Physics.8(2): 1–14. doi: 10.26464/epp2024006.

  • Zheng, Q., Qian, J., Zhang*, H., Chen, Y., & Zhang, S. (2024). Velocity tomography of cross-sectional damage evolution along rock longitudinal direction under uniaxial loading. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 143, 105503.

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