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  • Zhang, M. and Wen, L., 2013, High-precision location and yield of North Korea's 2013 nuclear test, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40(12), 2941--2946, doi:10.1002/grl.50607.

  • Ghosh, A., Holt, W. and Wen, L., 2013, Predicting the lithospheric stress field and plate motions by joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118(1), 346--368, doi: 10.1029/2012jb009516. 

  • Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Li H., Chen X.F., (2013). Stable discontinuous grid implementation for collocated-grid finite-difference seismic wave modeling, Geophys. J. Int., 192(3), 1179–1188

  • Wen J., Chen X.F., (2013). fmax and fault zone property of Lushan earthquake of 20 April 2013, Sichuan, China, Earthq. Sci., 26(3/4): 179-183

  • Huang, J.S., Yang, A., Zhong Shijie, Constraints of the Topography, Gravity and Volcanism on Venusian Mantle Dynamics and Generation of Plate Tectonics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 362:207–214, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.051, 2013

  • 杨亭,傅容珊,黄金水.利用Moho地形导纳法(MDDF)反演中国大陆岩石圈有效弹性厚度.地球物理学报,56(6):1877-1886,doi:10.6038/cjg20130610, 2013

  • Yi Wang, Lianxing Wen, Donald J. Weidner, 2013, Composition of Mars constrained using geophysical observations and mineral physics modeling, Plysics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 224,68-76

  • Zhibin Fan, and Xiaofeng Jia*, 2013, Element-free method and its efficiency improvement in seismic modelling and reverse time migration, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10(2): 025002

  • Chu, R.*, Leng, W., Helmberger, D., and Gurnis, M., Hidden hotspot track beneath the eastern United States, Nature Geosci., doi:10.1038/NGEO1949, 4pp., 2013.

  • Lin, J. F., Z. Mao and E.E. Alp (2013), Mössbauer spectroscopy in studying electronic spin and valence states of iron in the Earth’s lower mantle, Mössbauer spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry, Biology, Industry, and Nanotechnology, V. K. Sharma, G. Klingelhoefer, and T. Nishida (eds), Wiley STM,doi: 10.1002/9781118714614.ch02.

  • Lin, J. F., S. Speziale, Z. Mao, and H. Marquardt (2013), Effects of the electronic spin transitions of iron in lower-mantle minerals: implications to deep-mantle geophysics and geochemistry, Review in Geophysics, 51, 2012RG000414.

  • Mao. Z*., J. F. Lin, J. Chen, S. Huang, Y. Xiao and P. Chow (2013), Synchrotron Mössbauer study of Fe-bearing pyrope at high pressures and temperatures, American Mineralogist, 98, 1146-1152.

  • Lu. C., Z. Mao, J.-F, Lin, K. K. Zhuravlev, S. N. Tkachev and V. B. Prakapenka (2013), Elasticity of single-crystal iron-bearing pyrope to 20 GPa and 750 K, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, 134-142.

  • Wu Z., Justo J. F., Wentzcovitch R., Elastic Anomalies in a Spin-Crossover System: Ferropericlase at Lower Mantle Condition, Physical Review Letters, 110, 228501 (2013). (This work is highlighted by Science)

  • Huang F., Chen L., Wu, Z., Wang W., First-principles calculations of equilibrium Mg isotope fractionations between garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and olivine: implications for Mg isotope thermometry, Earth and Planet Science Letters, 367 61-70, 2013.

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